Archive of articles published on the 13th of March 2014
Bucking conventional wisdom, researchers find black sea bass tougher than expected
Quantum physics secures new cryptography scheme
Surface characteristics influence cellular growth on semiconductor material
Genes bring music to your ears
IRX3 is likely the 'fat gene'
Good vibes for catalytic chemistry
'Ultracold' molecules promising for quantum computing, simulation
Countering the caregiver placebo effect
Dinosaur skull may reveal T. rex's smaller cousin from the north
Europe's resilience of natural gas networks during conflicts and crises probed with maths
Language 'evolution' may shed light on human migration out-of-Beringia
Parasites in humans influence each other via shared food sources
Protein key to cell motility has implications for stopping cancer metastasis
Simulating how the Earth kick-started metabolism
Tropical grassy ecosystems under threat, scientists warn
Heritable variation discovered in trout behavior
Researchers destroy cancer with cryoablation & nanoparticle-encapsulated anticancer drug
Creating a graphene-metal sandwich to improve electronics
'Velcro protein' found to play surprising role in cell migration
Parental care of the young from 450 million years ago