Archive of articles published on the 17th of April 2014
Atypical brain connectivity associated with autism spectrum disorder
Declining catch rates in Caribbean green turtle fishery may be result of overfishing
Declining catch rates in Caribbean green turtle fishery may be result of overfishing
Chimpanzees prefer firm, stable beds
Chimpanzees prefer firm, stable beds
Creative activities outside work can improve job performance
New technique detects microscopic diabetes-related eye damage
Study shows lasting effects of drought in rainy eastern US
Stanford biologists help solve fungal mysteries
Methane climate change risk suggested by proof of redox cycling of humic substances
New evidence of suicide epidemic among India's 'marginalized' farmers
More research called for into HIV and schistosomiasis coinfection in African children
Newlyweds, be careful what you wish for
New MRSA superbug emerges in Brazil
In sex-reversed cave insects, females have the penises
Chiral breathing: Electrically controlled polymer changes its optical properties
Re-emergence of Ebola focuses need for global surveillance strategies
Study IDs new cause of brain bleeding immediately after stroke
Surprising material could play role in saving energy
For resetting circadian rhythms, neural cooperation is key
Women who gain too much or too little weight during pregnancy at risk for having an overweight child
ASU researchers urge alternative identification methods for threatened species
Call for alternative identification methods for endangered species
Science: There's something ancient in the icebox
Clean air: Fewer sources for self-cleaning
AGU: More, bigger wildfires burning western US, study shows
Some immune cells defend only 1 organ
Sperm meets egg: Protein essential for fertilization discovered
Sperm meets egg: Protein essential for fertilization discovered