Archive of articles published on the 30th of April 2014
NRL researchers develop harder ceramic for armor windows
Stem cells aid heart regeneration in salamanders
You took the words right out of my brain
Magnitude of quake scales with maturity of fault, suggests new study by German scientist
New lab-on-a-chip device overcomes miniaturization problems
Harnessing magnetic vortices for making nanoscale antennas
'Charismatic' organisms still dominating genomics research
N-glycan remodeling on glucagon receptor is an effector of nutrient-sensing by HBP
Neiker-Tecnalia studies the effects of climate change on Tempranillo grape wines
Study: Women leaders perceived as effective as male counterparts
Putting the endoparasitic plants Apodanthaceae on the map
Entire star cluster thrown out of its galaxy
Frog eggs Help MU researchers find new information on grapevine disease
Multiple consecutive days of tornado activity spawn worst events
Sustainable barnacle-repelling paint could help the shipping industry and the environment
Flexible pressure-sensor film shows how much force a surface 'feels' -- in color
Columbia engineers grow functional human cartilage in lab