Archive of articles published on the 14th of May 2014
Scientists from USC and NYU design a molecule that blocks cancer growth in mice
Researchers find a new gene expression mechanism of PRRS virus
Algorithm enables computers to identify actions much more efficiently
Clean air in Iowa
Role of calcium in familial Alzheimer's disease clarified, pointing to new therapeutics
Primates and patience -- the evolutionary roots of self control
Ancient giant sperm discovered at Riversleigh World Heritage Fossil Site
Large increase seen in emergency departments visits for traumatic brain injury
Study examines effectiveness of medications to treat alcohol use disorders
Microchip-like technology allows single-cell analysis
Chapman University affiliated physicist publishes on the Aharonov-Bohm effect in Nature
Extinct relative helps to reclassify the world's remaining 2 species of monk seal
Advance brings 'hyperbolic metamaterials' closer to reality
New smart coating could make oil-spill cleanup faster and more efficient
By itself, abundant shale gas unlikely to alter climate projections
California mountains rise as groundwater depleted in state's Central Valley
Study: Dangerous storms peaking further north, south than in past
Antidepressant may slow Alzheimer's disease
California Central Valley groundwater depletion slowly raises Sierra Nevada mountains
MAVEN solar wind ion analyzer will look at key player in Mars atmosphere loss
Novel blood test may help predict impending preterm birth
Environmental conditions may impact bird migration
First diplodocid sauropod from South America found
Study sheds light on penguins first year far from home