Archive of articles published on the 22nd of May 2014
Stanford, MIT scientists find new way to harness waste heat
Oil and gas development homogenizing core-forest bird communities
Ape ancestors' teeth provide glimpse into their diets and environments
Temperature influences gender of offspring
Could cannabis curb seizures? Experts weed through the evidence
New insights into premature ejaculation could lead to better diagnosis and treatment
First broadband wireless connection ... to the moon?!
Bending helps to control nanomaterials
Putting a number on opinion dynamics in a population
New technology may help identify safe alternatives to BPA
Wondering about the state of the environment? Just eavesdrop on the bees
Not all diamonds are forever
Delegating the dirty work is a key to evolution
Deep earth recycling of the oceanic floor
Lower mantle chemistry breakthrough
Ancient DNA ends Aussie claim to kiwi origins
Collecting biological specimens essential to science and conservation
Growing inequalities make science more of a 'winner takes all' field
A glimpse into nature's looking glass -- to find the genetic code is reassigned