Archive of articles published on the 8th of May 2014
Emerald ash borers were in US long before first detection
NASA telescopes coordinate best-ever flare observations
First-ever study describes deep-sea animal communities around a sunken shipping container
New study sheds light on survivors of the Black Death
Pesticides: Research provides new insights into their effects on shrimps and snails
Why a bacterium got its curve -- and why biologists should know
Beetles that taste like mustard
'Parent' cells reset the cell division clock
Detecting trace amounts of explosives with light
New grasshopper species named after Grammy winner
'Teenage' songbirds experience high mortality due to many causes, MU study finds
Fungus may help stop invasive spread of tree-of-heaven
This FIB doesn't lie: New NIST microscope sees what others can't
What doesn't kill you may make you live longer
Humans may benefit from new insights into polar bear's adaptation to high-fat diet
New technology using florescent proteins tracks cancer cells circulating in the blood
Antibiotic resistance genes are essentially everywhere
What vigilant squid can teach us about the purpose of pain
Plant hormone has dual role in triggering flower formation, Penn study finds
Exploring the magnetism of a single atom
'Rice theory' explains north-south China cultural differences, study shows
Extinct kitten-sized hunter discovered
Regenerating plastic grows back after damage