Archive of articles published on the 16th of October 2015
Marine mathematics helps to map undiscovered deep-water coral reefs
The Lancet Infectious Diseases: Study quantifies threat of rising antibiotic resistance on surgery and chemotherapy
Taking dinosaur temperatures with eggshells
Scientists find evidence of how incurable cancer develops
Schizophrenia symptoms linked to features of brain's anatomy?
New crystal captures carbon from humid gas
Genes involved in schizophrenia and obesity highlighted
Turncoat protein regulates sensitivity of breast cancer cells to drug
Study reveals why cancer anemia treatment leads to tumor growth
The CNIO discovers a link between a rare form of anemia and cancer
Automating big-data analysis
Artificial whisker reveals source of harbor seal's uncanny prey-sensing ability
COMPASS method points researchers to protein structures
Discovery about protein structure opens window on basic life process