Archive of articles published on the 21st of October 2015
Are cars nanotube factories on wheels?
Scientists find link between comet and asteroid showers and mass extinctions
Bees to scientists: 'We're more complicated than you think'
Final kiss of 2 stars heading for catastrophe
Nanodiamonds might prevent tooth loss after root canals
Diamonds -- a tooth's best friend?
Gone with the wind
Study: Alaskan boreal forest fires release more carbon than the trees can absorb
New review: What to do to prevent food allergies in infants
Synthetic batteries for the energy revolution
Cosmic 'Death Star' is destroying a planet
California 2100: More frequent and more severe droughts and floods likely
Milky Way photo with 46 billion pixels
76-million-year-old extinct species of pig-snouted turtle unearthed in Utah
Childhood infections associated with increased risk of early heart attack
Early childhood stress affects brain's response to rewards
Penn: Stressed dads affect offspring brain development through sperm microRNA
Astronomers catch a black hole shredding a star to pieces
The vulture's scavenging secrets -- an ironclad stomach and a strong immune system
In an urban environment, not all vultures are created equal
Dead men punching