Archive of articles published on the 2nd of December 2015
Even thermally tolerant corals are in hot water when it comes to bleaching
PPPL physicists propose new plasma-based method to treat radioactive waste
Camouflaged cuttlefish employ electrical stealth
Female hormone supplements with estrogen and progestin linked to breast cancer risk
Lower survival rates in women with breast cancer diagnosed with depression
Cognitive-behavioral stress management in breast cancer
False-positive mammograms may indicate increased risk of breast cancer later
Study suggests breast density alone not a risk factor for cancer
Researchers find link between early-stage brain and heart disease
Medicaid expansion improves breast cancer screening for low-income women
Survival has improved for women with stage IV breast cancer
On the road to Paris: Forest Service scientists improve US forest carbon accounting
Researchers describe new North Pacific fossil whale
New research helps to explain how temperature shifts the circadian clock
Research team finds detailed record of mysterious fast radio burst
'Fast radio burst' sheds new light on origin of these extreme events
Astronomers closer to explaining mysterious radio pulses from outer space
Fast radio burst hints at its source
Impression of King Hezekiah's royal seal discovered in excavations in Jerusalem
What is the universe made of?
Climate resilient development: New open source index and indicators
Twitter data can make roads safer during inclement weather
Climate-change foes winning public opinion war
Breast density alone found not to be a factor for breast cancer risk
Studying stonefish venom may help combat transplant rejection