Archive of articles published on the 11th of May 2015
Moffitt researchers work to determine why some prostate cancer patients experience more hot flashes
Antibiotic-resistant typhoid detected in countries around the world
Massively parallel biology students
Researchers examine the dangers bubbling up from hookah steam stones
A turning point in the physics of blood
A climate signal in the global distribution of copper deposits
Long-term study on ticks reveals shifting migration patterns, disease risks
Research aims to restore riparian corridors and an iconic tree
Did ocean acidification cause marine mollusc extinction?
Massive southern invasions by northern birds linked to climate shifts
UNH scientists show 'breaking waves' perturb Earth's magnetic field
Carbon emissions from peatlands may be less than expected
New device could greatly improve speech and image recognition
An important step in artificial intelligence
Vineyard habitats help butterflies return
80 percent of cervical cancers found to be preventable with latest 9-valent HPV vaccine