Archive of articles published on the 20th of May 2015
Ancient snakes -- a new hiss-tory
What did the first snakes look like?
Osteoporosis screening: Too common for low-risk women, too uncommon for higher-risk women
Supernova hunting with supercomputers
Caltech astronomers observe a supernova colliding with its companion star
Scientists discover world's oldest stone tools
New class of swelling magnets have the potential to energize the world
Deepwater Horizon oil spill contributed to high number of Gulf dolphin deaths
COPD is more prevalent in poor and rural areas of the US
COPD is independent risk factor for cardiovascular death, but not risk of stroke
Robotic sonar system inspired by bats
Burke Museum paleontologists discover the first dinosaur fossil in Washington state
Paleontologists discover the first dinosaur fossil in Washington State
Bat-inspired sonar system unveiled at Acoustical Society meeting
Study finds high prevalence of metabolic syndrome in US
People with metabolic syndrome face higher cardiovascular death risk
Metabolic abnormalities may increase cardiovascular risk more in black women than white women
Seeing without eyes