Archive of articles published on the 11th of February 2016
Plankton network linked to ocean's biological carbon pump revealed
Sneezing produces complex fluid cascade, not a simple spray
Landmark study finds dementia risk varies significantly among racial and ethnic groups
New study reveals incidence of dementia may be declining
Gravitational waves detected 100 years after Einstein's prediction
Study compares outcomes at VA hospitals vs. non-VA hospitals
Remote telemonitoring does not reduce hospital readmissions for heart failure patients
Gravitational waves detected 100 years after Einstein's prediction
In-depth Q&A: Three researchers on the front line of today's gravitational wave discovery
Gravitational waves found, black-hole models led the way
SLAC X-ray laser turns crystal imperfections into better images of important biomolecules
NASA sees development of Tropical Storm 11P in Southwestern Pacific
NASA sees Tropical Storm 10S form
NASA's RapidScat spots newborn Tropical Cyclone Tatiana
NASA's 2 eyes on Tropical Cyclone Daya
Study: Fossil record disappears at different rates
Clues about human migration to Imperial Rome uncovered in 2,000-year-old cemetery
Clues about human migration to Imperial Rome uncovered in 2,000-year-old cemetery
Bumpy liquid films could simplify fabrication of microlenses
The sleeping giant
This is what a wasp sees to learn the way home
Gravitational waves detected 100 years after Einstein's prediction
NASA sees Tropical Cyclone Winston form
Chemical cages: New technique advances synthetic biology
Silicon chip with integrated laser: Light from a nanowire
'Lasers rewired': Scientists find a new way to make nanowire lasers
LIG, including the MSU scientists, announced a record of gravitational waves
How your cells build tiny 'train tracks' could shed light on human disease
Herpes outbreak, other marine viruses linked to coral bleaching event
South Africa's Sterkfontein Caves produce 2 new hominin fossils