Archive of articles published on the 25th of February 2016
Scott Kelly returns to earth, but science for NASA's journey to Mars continues
Imaging technique may help discover Earth-like planets
School buildings designed as 'teaching green' can lead to better environmental education
Can virtual reality help fight obesity?
LIGO's twin black holes might have been born inside a single star
Quantum dot solids: This generation's silicon wafer?
Zika epidemic highlights need for priority vaccine research for pregnant women
How to tackle the Zika virus
Solved! First distance to a 'fast radio burst'
Colorado visitors using marijuana more likely to end up in emergency room
Predicting human evolution: Teeth tell the story
Post-Ebola syndrome in Sierra Leone
Study: Ocean acidification already slowing coral reef growth
Cancer in 3-D
UTSW researchers build powerful 3-D microscope, create images of cancer cells
Proven one-step process converts CO2 and water directly into liquid hydrocarbon fuels
Object located around a black hole 5 billion light-years from Earth has been measured
NASA sees Winston winding down near Norfolk Island
NASA's Aqua satellite catches the birth of Tropical Cyclone Yalo
Single antibody from human survivor protects nonhuman primates against Ebola virus
Antibodies eliminate Ebola symptoms 5 days after infection
New prediction tool gives warning of rogue waves
Stem cell technique makes sperm in a dish
Genetically modified E. coli pump out morphine precursor
Mountaintop mining, crop irrigation can damage water biodiversity, Virginia Tech researcher says
Study: Ozone does not necessarily promote decline of natural ecosystems
Bacteria take 'RNA mug shots' of threatening viruses