Archive of articles published on the 8th of February 2016
Early human ancestor did not have the jaws of a nutcracker
Early human ancestor didn't have the jaws of a nutcracker, study finds
Clean energy from water
Umea University researchers help Europe fight spread of Zika virus
Wolf species have 'howling dialects'
Zika virus: 5 things to know
Gene family turns cancer cells into aggressive stem cells that keep growing
Turning the volume of gene expression up and down
Ocean acidification makes coralline algae less robust
Long-term picture offers little solace on climate change
Chiral magnetic effect generates quantum current
Carbon emissions affect thousands of years of climate change
A long, hot view: Climate change likely to extend across next 10,000 years
Earth-like planets have Earth-like interiors
Scientists propose 'pumpjack' mechanism for splitting and copying DNA
Secondary tropical forests absorb carbon at higher rate than old-growth forests
New tool for efficiently validating the accuracy of CRISPR-Cas9 reactions
Rice lab offers new strategies, tools for genome editing
Experts urge extreme caution on 'rewilding' to save wild places
Double dose of bad earthquake news
Search technique helps researchers find DNA sequences in minutes rather than days
Researchers create synthetic biopathway to turn agriculture waste into 'green' products
Nanoparticle therapy that uses LDL and fish oil kills liver cancer cells
Cotton candy machines may hold key for making artificial organs
Fossil discovery: Extraordinary 'big-mouthed' fish from Cretaceous Period
NASA measures 10 days of US extreme precipitation from space
NASA's GPM satellite examines violent thunderstorms
Intensifying Atlantic storm examined by NASA's GPM
Cockroach inspires robot that squeezes through cracks
What's nature worth? Study helps put a price on groundwater and other natural capital