Archive of articles published on the 21st of March 2016
Astronomers found a star with a record variation period
New MD Anderson-developed breast cancer staging system emphasizes importance of tumor biology as prognostic indicator
New gene identified as cause, early indicator of breast cancer
Capturing the acid-base reactions in alcohol
Researchers track neural stem cells by coloring chicken eggs from the inside
York University astrophysicists detect ultra-fast winds near supermassive black hole
Island foxes may need genetic rescue
Tiny, ancient galaxy preserves record of catastrophic event
Video: Morphing metal shapes future of soft robotics
Human carbon release rate is unprecedented in the past 66 million years of Earth's history
Record-breaking ultraviolet winds discovered near black hole
New way to control particle motions on 2-D materials
Lighting up disease-carrying mosquitoes
Survival of the hardest working
Technicolor zebrafish reveal how skin heals
Skin regeneration in technicolor
Study shows precision medicine's potential to define the genetics of autoimmune disease
Lehigh scientists extend the reach of single crystals
Beyond DNA: TGen points the way to enhanced precision medicine with RNA sequencing
IU biochemist finds solution to 'acid shock' in craft brewers' sour beer production
Pumping up energy storage with metal oxides
Uncovering bacterial role in platinum formation
Astrophysicists catch 2 supernovae at the moment of explosion
New gravity map gives best view yet inside Mars
Many species now going extinct may vanish without a fossil trace
Wrinkles and crumples make graphene better
City birds are smarter than country birds
Drought alters recovery of Rocky Mountain forests after fire
CU study: Fires, drought in changing climate affecting high-altitude forests