Archive of articles published on the 11th of April 2016
Selection pressures push plants over adaption cliff
Battery components can take the heat
Hot super-Earths stripped by host stars: 'Cooked' planets shrink due to radiation
Breakthrough may stop multiple sclerosis in its tracks
Scientists uncover what makes plants 'clot'
Study links inequality to large, growing gap in lifespans
Researchers find key to zinc rich plants to combat malnutrition
New tool refines exoplanet search
Hormone therapy for prostate cancer may increase risk of depression
Wealth of unsuspected new microbes expands tree of life
New way to smell a rat means end for rodents
The brain on LSD revealed: First scans show how the drug affects the brain
Researchers generate clean energy using bacteria-powered solar panel
Ames Laboratory physicists discover new material that may speed computing