Archive of articles published on the 18th of April 2016
Quantum computing closer as RMIT drives towards first quantum data bus
UC Davis study says logos make a group seem real
New technique could improve detection of concealed nuclear materials
Nanomaterial to drive new generation of solar cells: ANU media release
How the brain consolidates memory during deep sleep
Implantable device targets pancreatic cancer
Researchers find method that could resurrect an abandoned pancreatic cancer targeted drug
Brain caught 'filing' memories during rest
Vegetables irrigated with treated wastewater expose consumers to drugs
Mapping a path to improved cassava production
Researchers transmit data through animal tissues at HD video rates via ultrasound
A new way to get electricity from magnetism
Dartmouth-led team devises new technique to probe 'noise' in quantum computing
All ants on deck
Dinosaurs 'already in decline' before asteroid apocalypse
Reader of epigenetic marks could be 'game changer' for certain cancers
New computer program can help uncover hidden genomic alterations that drive cancers
First computer program developed to detect DNA mutations in single cancer cells
NASA's Fermi telescope poised to pin down gravitational wave sources
30 years after Chernobyl, UGA camera study reveals wildlife abundance in CEZ