Archive of articles published on the 26th of April 2016
Revolutionary antibiotics will save the world
Large wildlife important for carbon storage in tropical forests
Researchers create artificial protein to control assembly of buckyballs
Despite efforts, childhood obesity remains on the rise
Despite their small brains -- ravens are just as clever as chimps
Citizen scientists collected rare ice data, confirm warming since industrial revolution
Rare ice data collected by early 'citizen scientists' confirms warming
New discovery may help engineers design quieter jet airplanes
Providing children with tablets loaded with literacy apps yields positive results
New study finds laundry detergent packets more dangerous than other types of detergent
It takes more than peer pressure to make large microgels fit in
Hubble discovers moon orbiting the dwarf planet Makemake
Hybrid forms of the common house mosquito may serve as vectors between birds and humans
Fossils may reveal 20-million-year history of penguins in Australia
Nearby massive star explosion 30 million years ago equaled detonation of 100 million suns
Newly discovered titanosaurian dinosaur from Argentina, Sarmientosaurus
One oil field a key culprit in global ethane gas increase
First multi-year study of honey bee parasites and disease reveals troubling trends
We share a molecular armor with coral reefs
CO2 fertilization greening the earth
New curiously scaled beetle species from New Britain named after 'Star Wars' Chewbacca
Women who are cheated on 'win' in the long run; new women 'lose'
Light echoes give clues to planet nursery around star
Carbon dioxide fertilization greening Earth, study finds
Model predicts how forests will respond to climate change
Poor understandability of notifications sent to women regarding breast density
Breast density and outcomes of supplemental breast cancer screening
Study finds readability of dense breast notifications poor