Archive of articles published on the 27th of April 2016
Zika present in Americas longer than previously thought
Food allergies of low-income kids are poorly managed
One minus 1 does not always equal 0 in chemistry
Decoding Zika to fight future outbreaks
Chemists use DNA to build the world's tiniest thermometer
Slow worms react quickly to climate change
Hearing aid use is associated with improved cognitive function in hearing-impaired elderly
Protecting diversity on coral reefs: DNA may hold the key
Widespread loss of ocean oxygen to become noticeable in 2030s
Coral 'toolkit' allows floating larvae to transform into reef skeletons
New tool puts a consistent value on experts' uncertainty on climate change models
Scientists establish first map of the sea lion brain
Beach buoys deployed to detect beach contamination
Hominins may have been food for carnivores 500,000 years ago
Contamination in North Dakota linked to fracking spills
Coal-tar based sealcoats on driveways, parking lots far more toxic than suspected