Archive of articles published on the 5th of April 2016
Potential of satellite remote sensing to monitor species diversity
New laser to shine light on remote sensing
New state of matter detected in a two-dimensional material
Touching a robot can elicit physiological arousal in humans
NUS-led research team discovers novel way of transferring magnetic information
Study: Elevated levels of inflammation marker offsets benefits of good cholesterol
Evacetrapib impacts cholesterol but doesn't reduce cardiovascular events
Study supports broader use of statins in intermediate-risk populations
Evacetrapib fails to reduce major adverse cardiovascular events
Summer melt-driven streams on Greenland's ice sheet brought into focus
Researchers document how broadbills make loud wing song
Plant gases can counteract Arctic climate change
Insulator-superconductor transition of copper-oxide compound studied in fine detail
Presently recommended exercise levels may be much more than needed for significant health benefits
Exercise counteracts sitting time
A real Peter Rabbit tale: Biologists find key to myxoma virus/rabbit coevolution
Few children get 60 minutes of vigorous physical activity daily
Sweet technique finds cause of sour oil and gas
Multitasking New Horizons observed solar wind changes on journey to Pluto
NASAs New Horizons fills gap in space environment observations
Breaking metamaterial symmetry with reflected light
A movie of the microworld: Physicists create nanoparticle picture series
Cooling chips with the flip of a switch
Back to basics with thermoelectric power
NREL raises rooftop photovoltaic technical potential estimate
NREL reveals potential for capturing waste heat via nanotubes
Cold mountain streams offer climate refuge: Future holds hope for biodiversity
Fossil discovery suggests size poor predictor of maturity in ancient reptiles
'Forgotten' fish turns up in West Texas