Archive of articles published on the 7th of April 2016
The Lancet: Number of adults with diabetes reaches 422 million worldwide
Marine reserves are critical for coral reef resilience
Microbes take center stage in workings of 'the river's liver'
Study suggests epiregulin as a target in lung cancer
'Liquid biopsy' blood test detects genetic mutations in common form of lung cancer
Argentinian researchers develop trap for mosquito that transmits Zika
Yeast against the machine: Bakers' yeast could improve diagnosis
Wine yeast genomes lack diversity
UW team stores digital images in DNA -- and retrieves them perfectly
NASA's Aqua satellite sees Tropical Cyclone 18P form West of Vanuatu
NASA's GPM views Tropical Cyclone Zena hitting Vanuatu
Smithsonian and collaborators find that trap-jaw spiders strike prey with lightning speed
These trap-jaw spiders strike their prey with lightning speed
NASA finds very heavy rainfall in Tropical Cyclone Zena
Modern men lack Y chromosome genes from Neanderthals, Stanford researchers say
Neanderthal Y chromosome offers clues to what kept us separate species
New mouse model to aid testing of Zika vaccine, therapeutics
Trophoblasts resistant to Zika/Zika in the mouse
Duke study uncovers genetic elements that drive regeneration
Penn study brings new understanding to how fundamental DNA sequences govern gene activity
New survey on American attitudes toward Zika virus finds limited awareness or concern
Brief face-to-face talk can shift anti-transgender attitudes
UC Berkeley, Stanford find LA LGBT Center's canvassing conversations reduce transphobia
Oregon researchers use light and sound waves to control electron states
Catalyst could make production of key chemical more eco-friendly
Methods used to create textiles also could help manufacture human tissues
Quantum simulation 2.0: Atoms chat long distance
Public understanding of genetics can reduce stereotypes
Penn engineers develop first transistors made entirely of nanocrystal 'inks'
From Genome Research: Human evolution fast-tracked by mutations from anti-viral enzyme
Primate evolution in the fast lane
New predictive tool for assessing breast cancer risk
No more broken hearts
Function of mysterious RNAs may often lie in their genes
News: Report shows how to say goodbye to harmful algal blooms
Spending that fits personality can boost well-being
Climate models underestimate global warming by exaggerating cloud brightening
ORNL neutron 'splashes' reveal signature of exotic particles