Archive of articles published on the 11th of May 2016
UM study: Wildfires to increase in Alaska with future climate change
New design of primitive quantum computer finds application
New device steps toward isolating single electrons for quantum computing
New techniques make RFID tags 25 percent smaller
Scientists take a major leap toward a 'perfect' quantum metamaterial
Technique processes RFID signals rapidly for real-time interactivity
Fooling the test: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria that look susceptible
Fossil dog represents a new species, Penn paleontology grad student finds
An enzyme enigma discovered in the abyss
Exoplanets' complex orbital structure points to planetary migration in solar systems
Chicken coops, sewage treatment plants are hot spots of antibiotic resistance
Archaeologists uncover 13,000-year-old bones of ancient, extinct species of bison
Cosmic dust reveals Earth's ancient atmosphere
Zika virus damages placenta, kills fetal mice
Mouse models of Zika in pregnancy show how fetuses become infected
Mouse models show how Zika infects a fetus during pregnancy
Fetal mice with Zika infection get microcephaly
New research suggests climate change may have contributed to extinction of Neanderthals
Zika virus in Brazil kills brain cell, impairs intra uterine growth of mice fetuses
UK study shows new potential marker for obesity
CDC study looks at link between age at first solid foods and later child obesity
Brazilian Zika virus strain causes birth defects in experimental models
Researchers unveil new, detailed images of DNA transcription
Chemists find 'huge shortcut' for organic synthesis using C-H bonds
Scripps Florida scientists pioneer a breakthrough approach to breast cancer treatment
New research gives deeper understanding of why some breast cancers are hard to treat
Researchers demonstrate link between 'jumping gene' and colon cancer
The first long-horned beetle giving birth to live young discovered in Borneo
High fruit intake during adolescence linked with lower breast cancer risk
Quality of life meets cure for prostate cancer treatment
New PSA test examines protein structures to detect prostate cancers