Archive of articles published on the 3rd of May 2016
Indiana University researchers find Earth may be home to 1 trillion species
Finding sheds light on what may kill neurons after stroke
Adult brain prunes branched connections of new neurons
Origin of synaptic pruning process linked to learning, autism and schizophrenia identified
The Lancet Psychiatry: Depression symptoms that steadily increase in later life predict higher dementia risk, study shows
Group activities reduced depressive symptoms among older people with dementia
Web-based, self-help intervention helps prevent depression
Little ANTs: Researchers build the world's tiniest engine
Planet Nine: A world that shouldn't exist
Is it possible to cry a river?
Why Labrador retrievers are more interested in food than other breeds
Genetic variant may help explain why Labradors are prone to obesity
Economy flyers unite! Research shows air rage a product of class difference
Estimates of cheetah numbers are 'guesswork', say researchers
Algae use their 'tails' to gallop and trot like quadrupeds
One in four patients with COPD suffer from depression
Experts propose strategy to save mammals on the brink of extinction
Seeking to rewind mammalian extinction
UNC-Chapel Hill scientists find likely cause for recent southeast US earthquakes
Introducing the disposable laser
Scientists challenge conventional wisdom to improve predictions of bootstrap current
Children with ADHD may benefit from following healthy behaviors, new study suggests
Scientists double number of known genetic risk factors for endometrial cancer
Scientists reveal how cell corrects errors made in gene transcription
Autism and cancer share a remarkable number of risk genes in common