Archive of articles published on the 4th of May 2016
A compact, efficient single photon source that operates at ambient temperatures on a chip
Advance could help grow stem cells more safely
Satellites to see Mercury enter spotlight on May 9
Medical error is third biggest cause of death in the US, say experts
Study suggests medical errors now third leading cause of death in the US
Stickleback fish adapt their vision in the blink of an eye
Perceived diversity in neighborhoods is related to more prejudice, study finds
Imodium for a legal high is as dumb and dangerous as it sounds
An experiment seeks to make quantum physics visible to the naked eye
Made better through science: Calcite tuned to be mollusk-tough
A better bone replacement: 3-D printed bone with just the right mix of ingredients
Stocks overvalued longer and more often than previously thought, says study
Squished cells could shape design of synthetic materials
Comet craters -- literal melting pots for life on Earth
Humans have faster metabolism than closely related primates, enabling larger brains
How migrants' traditional cuisines cost them calories
How tree crickets tune into each other's songs
New evidence connects dung beetle evolution to dinosaurs
New method allows first look at key stage of human development, embryo implantation
Scientists develop human embryos through early post-implantation stages for first time
Engineers create a better way to boil water -- with industrial, electronics applications
Phoney protection for passwords
'Adaptive protein crystal' could form new kind of protective material