Archive of articles published on the 16th of June 2016
Changed gut bug mix linked to C-section, antibiotics and formula lasts through baby's first year
How females store sperm
Survival of the fittest sperm: How new technology may help infertile couples
Gravitational waves caught again
Black holes and measuring gravitational waves
How red-eyed treefrog embryos hatch in seconds
Video captures tadpole escape artists in Panama
New insights into California electricity crisis may help prevent future crises
Scientific gains may make electronic nose the next everyday device
New type of meteorite linked to ancient asteroid collision
How do hydrogen droplets behave when hydrogen-oxygen aerosol mixtures burn?
Permafrost thawing below shallow Arctic lakes
Gravitational waves detected from second pair of colliding black holes
Color vision helps birds find good food and the right partner
700-year-old West African soil technique could help mitigate climate change
ALMA observes most distant oxygen ever
Scientists detect most distant signs of oxygen in the universe
ALMA detected the most distant oxygenstem 2
Historic fossils find new life telling the story of ancient proteins
Pitch range produced by vocal cords
Pitch range produced by vocal cords
New procedure allows long-term culturing of adult stem cells
Migraine as a risk marker for stroke and heart attack
Vitamin D may not be the great solution to health problems
Certain factors affect vitamin D levels in children with chronic kidney disease
Let there be light