Archive of articles published on the 22nd of June 2016
Shedding light on an assistant protein
Twin birth defect risk may be higher among moms not on fertility treatment
Rapid Medicaid expansion in Michigan didn't reduce access to primary care
Study finds decrease in uninsured hospital patients, increase in those with Medicaid
Medicaid expansion brought across-the-board relief for Michigan hospitals, study finds
NASA sees Tropical Storm Danielle ending over Mexico
Researchers provide new insights on coral bleaching
Has incidence of Parkinson's disease increased over past 30 years?
Mayo Clinic study shows increase in Parkinson's disease over 30 years
Sierra Nevada snowpack not likely to recover from drought until 2019
Ongoing monitoring of Legionella in Flint in the wake of the drinking water crisis
NRL astrophysicist probes theory of black-hole accretion
RIT professor predicts a universe crowded with black holes
What does Zika virus mean for the children of the Americas?
Early behavior problems impact long-term educational attainment more for boys than girls
Fish out of water are more common than thought
Airplanes make clouds brighter
Dormant black hole eats star, becomes X-ray flashlight
X-ray echoes of a shredded star provide close-up of 'killer' black hole
Diabetes raises risk of heart attack death by 50 percent
The new system that uses sound to alleviate water shortage
Finding new clues to a sugar suspect in birth defects
Wild boars and wart hogs may have an internal compass
Lizard tail adaptations may reflect predators' color vision capabilities
Particle zoo in a quantum computer
94-million-year-old climate change event holds clues for future
Hip implants -- metal wear impairs bone-forming cells' function