Archive of articles published on the 14th of July 2016
Bird research suggests calling dinosaurs may have been tight-lipped
The success of the plant-eating dinosaurs
To save water on lawns, throw some shade
Dark energy measured with record-breaking map of 1.2 million galaxies
Astronomers map a record-breaking 1.2 million galaxies to study the secrets of dark energy
Black bear links real objects to computer images
NASA finds wind shear affecting Tropical Storm Celia
Simple method tests hard-to-treat bacteria's susceptibility to different antibiotics
Butterflies' diet impacts evolution of traits
Terrified insect escapes a permanent tomb -- 50 million years ago
Scientists show newborn ducklings can acquire notions of 'same' and 'different'
Tropical cyclones on track to grow more intense as temperatures rise
Biodiversity falls below 'safe levels' globally
'Smart' nanoparticle called PEARLs a promising gem to target, treat tumours
Ocean warming primary cause of Antarctic Peninsula glacier retreat
Cougars could save lives by lowering vehicle collisions with deer
'Green' electronic materials produced with synthetic biology