Archive of articles published on the 19th of July 2016
The birth of quantum holography: Making holograms of single light particles!
Cave discoveries shed new light on Native and European religious encounters in the Americas
Modular acoustic filters simplify design of mufflers, musical instruments, audio tags
Weird quantum effects stretch across hundreds of miles
Travel broadens chimps' horizons too
Chimpanzees: Travel fosters tool use
NASA's Aqua satellite sees an almost symmetrical Tropical Storm Estelle
Hundreds of years later, teeth tell the story of people who didn't get enough sunshine
House-hunting ants know how to take the hassle out of moving
Research team led by NUS scientists develop plastic flexible magnetic memory device
Ship engine emissions adversely affect macrophages
For ancient deep-sea plankton, a long decline before extinction
Landsat -- The watchman that never sleeps
Ancient rocks reveal how Earth recovered from mass extinction
Minimalist swimming microrobots
Electron spin control: Levitated nanodiamond is research gem
Paleontology: Aftermath of a mass extinction
X marks the spot at the center of the Milky Way galaxy
Modern off-grid lighting could create 2 million new jobs in developing world
Scientists create new thin material that mimics cell membranes
2016 climate trends continue to break records
Using urban pigeons to monitor lead pollution
New ORNL tool probes for genes linked to toxic methylmercury
NASA science flights target melting Arctic Sea ice
Ridiculously cute mouse lemurs hold key to Madagascar's past
A mini-antenna for the data processing of tomorrow
New detector overcomes key challenge in using light for wireless communications