AP Science

Thursday th 21st of January 2016

Magnitude-6.4 quake strikes China, damaging dozens of homes - 01:50

Magnitude-6.4 quake strikes China, damaging dozens of homes - 01:21

Disappearance of Bolivia's No. 2 lake a harbinger - 00:20

Wednesday th 20th of January 2016

Navy carrier group powered partly by biofuel sets sail - 23:50

Scientists ID new genus of tree frogs long thought extinct - 23:20

Baby fur seal found in bushes at California business park - 19:50

Official wishes air monitoring were better after gas leak - 17:01

New evidence points to giant 9th planet on solar system edge - 16:02

Grisly fossils from Kenya reveal a 10,000-year-old massacre - 13:17

Earth's temperature depends on where you put thermometer - 13:16

Scientists: Solid evidence for 9th planet in solar system - 10:43

Q&A: Hawaii baby born with defect linked to Zika virus - 05:10

Emergency planners work on playbooks for the deadly Big One - 04:40

Mountain snows that feed Colorado River look good so far - 02:10

Tuesday th 19th of January 2016

Q&A: Hawaii baby born with defect linked to Zika virus - 18:30

East Coast, Ohio Valley brace for possible big snowstorm - 15:53

East Coast, Ohio Valley brace for possible big snowstorm - 15:10

Astronaut nurses zinnia to full bloom after mold invasion - 12:08

More quakes rattle Oklahoma but state avoids tough measures - 09:02

Monday th 18th of January 2016

Study questions link between teen pot smoking and IQ decline - 18:40

Study questions link between teen pot smoking and IQ decline - 15:20

More quakes rattle Oklahoma but state avoids tough measures - 13:20

Study: Man-made heat put in oceans has doubled since 1997 - 11:30

More quakes rattle Oklahoma but state avoids tough measures - 10:30

Sunday th 17th of January 2016

The Latest: US-European ocean-monitoring satellite in orbit - 14:32

The Latest: US-European ocean-monitoring satellite launches - 14:02

Particles could reveal clues to how Egypt pyramid was built - 08:30

Launch set for US-European ocean-monitoring satellite - 03:50

Saturday th 16th of January 2016

Launch set for US-European ocean-monitoring satellite - 13:51

Brazil to fund development of vaccine for Zika virus - 09:00

Friday th 15th of January 2016

Botched French drug trial leaves 1 brain dead, 5 in hospital - 15:01

Researchers confirm site of hangings for Salem witch trials - 14:35

Scientist: No known antidote for botched drug test in France - 11:00

In south Indian temple town, plastics become taboo - 07:21

6 fall ill in France after participating in clinical trial - 07:20

California temporarily curbing water to spare vanishing fish - 06:50

Cancer 'moonshot' aims to speed fight against No. 2 killer - 03:51

In south Indian temple town, plastics become taboo - 03:51

4,000 artifacts stored at Oregon refuge held by armed group - 03:50

4,000 artifacts stored at Oregon refuge held by armed group - 02:10

California temporarily curbing water to spare vanishing fish - 00:20

Thursday th 14th of January 2016

Obama administration will announce halt on new coal leases - 22:20

Angry residents voice earthquake concerns at Edmond forum - 22:20

NASA adds 3rd company to list of space station shippers - 16:51

APNewsBreak: New Mexico to sue EPA over mine spill - 14:25

Scientists spot brightest supernova yet, twice as luminous - 14:24

Bones of hunted mammoth show early human presence in Arctic - 14:24

Egypt opens exhibition of repatriated antiquities - 11:50

WHO declares end to Ebola epidemic after 11,300 deaths - 09:51

Montana to decide whether to relocate sage grouse to Canada - 06:00