BBC News: Science & Nature

Wednesday th 22nd of October 2008

Eating fast may double risk of obesity, research suggests. - 19:14

New feathered dinosaur discovered - 19:14

Study probes clouds' climate role - 18:28

Supersonic car targets 1,000mph - 18:07

Gene 'roadmap' for lung cancers - 17:42

Supersonic car targets 1,000mph - 17:42

Fish farms catching on in Malawi - 12:35

X-ray Vision - 11:28

Susan Watts - 10:21

Ancient jewels found in uni desk - 08:07

UK positioned for sat-nav prizes - 05:49

UK positioned for sat-nav prizes - 05:07

Tuesday th 21st of October 2008

Helping flippers - 16:42

Helping flippers - 16:21

MoD scientists 'deployed in UK' - 14:07

Job choice 'affects Alzheimer's' - 13:21

Keyboard sniffers to steal data - 11:28

Green recovery - 06:56

Bacterium 'to blame for Crohn's' - 05:49

Science minister urges investment - 05:28

Western diet 'raises heart risk' - 04:21

India Moon probe ready for launch - 04:21

Maths and science 'end decline' - 00:14

Monday th 20th of October 2008

Hayward waits - 16:00

Holding on - 14:49

River 'cull' - 10:42

Rock records dino 'dance floor' - 10:42

Blood test for vCJD 'unrealistic' - 09:35

Probe studies solar system's edge - 06:07

Doctors get death diagnosis tips - 05:21

Out of Africa - 04:56

Airliner had near miss with UFO - 04:56

Fatty acids clue to Alzheimer's - 04:35

Interface that - 03:28

High summits 'could harm brain' - 03:28

Sunday th 19th of October 2008

Sunken treasure - 11:42

Friday th 17th of October 2008

Green revolution - 19:35

Brain signals predict weight gain - 17:21

Europe delays its ExoMars mission - 15:28

Major tidal power plan revealed - 10:56

African chimps decline 'alarming' - 10:56

'Leggy blonde' pregnant with calf - 09:21

'Gladiator' tomb is found in Rome - 08:56

Alien invaders - 06:21

Magnetic field 'aids coma victim' - 05:56

Farmers bring foot-and-mouth case - 04:28

Thursday th 16th of October 2008

New spark in classic experiments - 18:42

Talking robot - 17:14

First flight - 17:14

EU 'holds firm' on climate goals - 17:14