BBC News: Science & Nature

Thursday th 9th of October 2008

Pledge to protect Sumatran forest - 13:07

In bloom - 12:21

UV light fear over 'green' bulbs - 11:14

'Unbreakable' encryption unveiled - 08:14

Is anybody listening out there? Earth sends messages into space? - 04:49

Wednesday th 8th of October 2008

New fungi species unearthed in UK - 21:00

Fisheries waste 'costs billions' - 17:07

Water policy 'failing to deliver' - 16:42

Students win a contest to design an experiment for a UK satellite - 16:21

Messenger extends Mercury vista - 08:42

Scientists meet for alien summit - 07:14

'Glowing' jellyfish grabs Nobel - 06:07

Circumcision HIV impact doubted - 04:14

Tuesday th 7th of October 2008

Canal plan to power 45,000 homes - 19:14

'Safer' test developed for Down's - 14:21

Air turbulence tests 'improved' - 11:21

Disease warning on climate change - 11:21

Silver lining - 08:22

'Deepest ever' living fish filmed - 06:07

Particle physics celebrates Nobel - 05:42

Telescope detects odd-ball object - 05:21

Monday th 6th of October 2008

Europe follows fusion twin track - 23:21

Success for plants' pest control - 22:14

UK 'needs tougher climate target' - 20:42

EU's climate package 'in crisis' - 12:07

Lands of plenty? - 09:07

Going ballistic - 08:42

Plain sailing - 07:56

Mammals facing extinction threat - 07:56

Nobel prize for viral discoveries - 06:07

Single jab cancer therapy backed - 04:14

Sunday th 5th of October 2008

Companies 'need green directors' - 19:35

Domestic bliss - 07:14

Saturday th 4th of October 2008

Big cat kill caught on BBC webcam - 06:42

Power tool - 02:14

Friday th 3rd of October 2008

Brazil air force p-p-picks up hundreds of lost penguins - 23:56

Help red squirrels, public urged - 20:35

Virtual dogfight - 14:56

Sick leave 'link to early death' - 14:14

Inevitable union - 13:28

Beaked whales - 13:07

Lord Drayson takes science brief - 12:42

Rare insect found safe on beach - 10:49

Seed bank 'running out of funds' - 10:07

Greens welcome new climate dept - 07:07

Remains found in Fossett's plane - 04:49

The brain creates illusions and superstitions at times of stress - 04:28

New twist in brain obesity riddle - 04:28

The 'knot' so astonishing research honoured with Ig Nobel Prizes - 04:07

Thursday th 2nd of October 2008

UK urged to fund climate project - 16:49