Run (or walk)
If November and December are marked by a battle of will vs. appetite, then January and February pit our well-meaning brains against our unmotivated feet. As many a New Englander can attest, it’s hard to get out and exercise when freezing temperatures and seemingly endless snowfalls loom. But to Harvard biologist and barefoot running enthusiast Daniel Lieberman, that’s no excuse to sit still. “There’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing,” Lieberman said Wednesday (Jan. 26). Inclement weather didn’t stop a large crowd from turning out at Sanders Theatre to learn how to overcome the winter blues and get motivated. The event kicked off Harvard on the Move, a running and walking program designed to build community and fitness among students, faculty, staff, alumni, and members of the community. The program, sponsored by President Drew Faust and coordinated by the Center for Wellness, will include weekly runs and walks open to...