Faith in good works
Ashok (A.J.) Kumar doesn’t care what God you believe in, or whether you believe in a deity at all. A member of the Humanist Chaplaincy at Harvard since 2009, the graduate student at Harvard’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) says he wants to work toward a campus community that includes people from all faiths, as well as those not aligned with a religion. “[Humanism] is about building a community within a framework of ethics that is derived from our common humanity,” he said. “What someone believes or doesn’t believe is of far less interest to me than what someone does with themselves.” What Kumar does with himself is volunteer. That’s why he will join dozens of Harvard community members from many faiths at the Student Organization Center at Hilles on Nov. 20 to package meals for hungry Boston-area children. The interfaith community service event is organized by the Harvard Interfaith...