Harvard’s startup upstart
Entrepreneurs often put in long hours, and Gordon Jones, director of the new Harvard Innovation Lab, is no exception. But unlike the Mark Zuckerbergs of the world, Jones won’t be up late hunched over a laptop, perfecting code. Instead, on a recent Monday afternoon, Jones was preparing to host 200 Harvard undergraduates for an evening session of CS 50, the enormously popular computer science course, at the I-Lab. “I’ll be here until midnight,” he said. The I-Lab, the University’s new initiative to foster team-based and entrepreneurial activity across campus and with Greater Boston’s business community, is a startup itself. No one understands that better than Jones, who took the job in May. “It’s an experiment in ‘one Harvard,’” he said. And just like anyone hoping to launch a new venture, Jones will need vision to succeed. “We’re not a program on innovation,” Jones said. “We’re more about encouraging you to take advantage of the resources...