HMS’s Louise Ivers honored
Harvard Medical School (HMS) Assistant Professor of Medicine Louise Ivers was awarded the Bailey K. Ashford and Donald Mackay medals by the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Ivers, an infectious disease specialist at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital and senior health and policy adviser at the nonprofit group Partners In Health (PIH), was presented the award by PIH co-founder Paul Farmer on Monday in Philadelphia. Farmer is the Kolokotrones University Professor of Global Health and Social Medicine at HMS. For more than eight years, Ivers has worked in Haiti, leading efforts to implement health and social justice programs, expand clinical services, conduct pioneering research, and respond to the 2010 earthquake and ongoing cholera outbreak. In 2006, she began directing the HIV Equity Initiative, providing integrated HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention services in Haiti’s rural reaches. Today, this program serves more than 8,000 patients and has become a model for many HIV/AIDS initiatives...