HMS student named to AMA Foundation
The American Medical Association (AMA) Foundation welcomed four new members to the national philanthropic organization’s board of directors, including Harvard Medical School (HMS) student Benjamin Schanker. As elected members of the board, these individuals will contribute their expertise to advance the mission of the AMA Foundation by ensuring that the organization successfully raises, stewards, and administers funds for high-impact public health programs. Schanker previously served as an AMA Foundation Student Ambassador to the Board of Directors. Schanker is expected to graduate from HMS in 2014. He recently completed a fellowship in the Health Resources and Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and he has been a consultant for the World Health Organization. Schanker currently serves as a student representative on the Massachusetts Medical Society board of trustees, and he is the president-elect of the American College of Medical Quality Student and Resident Section. Additionally, he has been published in...