Pausing to celebrate
More than 100 faculty, students, and staff from the Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology gathered Wednesday in the Bauer courtyard to mark the promotion from associate to full professor of Kevin Eggan, Konrad Hochedlinger, and Amy Wagers. Each has made significant stem cell-related discoveries in recent years. The event included barbecue, music, and a cake decorated with an image of the three. There was also a dunk tank — not exactly the thing that comes to mind when you hear “Harvard professor,” but entertaining, and enticing, nonetheless. Department co-chairs Douglas Melton, Xander University Professor, and David Scadden, Jordan Professor of Medicine, presided over the festivities, congratulating the trio on their achievements and welcoming them to the tenured ranks. In mostly lighthearted (and brief) comments, Scadden talked about some of the quirky features of the job, including a strange encounter here and there, and shared the results of a Google search...