The poetry of achievement
On a warm summer evening, 30 high school students from the greater Boston area gathered for the Crimson Summer Academy ’s (CSA) annual poetry slam, raising their hands high in the air or leaping to their feet and snapping fingers enthusiastically to show their support for their peers. The young scholars spend three consecutive summers on the Harvard campus, amid a stimulating mix of classes, projects, field trips, and cultural activities to achieve their dream: success at college. “The mission of the program is to help talented, low-income high school students gain access to first-rate colleges and universities,” said Maxine Rodburg, director of the CSA, who has directed the program since its inception in 2004. “From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, they attend classes, and we schedule special events for a few nights per week. Student success results from building a strong community, so we’ve built a culture in...