Fans make a day of it
The morning of the legendary Harvard-Yale football game, better known as The Game, the sun’s rays illuminated the chilly faces of the fans from both the Harvard and Yale communities. By 10 a.m. they had rolled into the parking lots surrounding Harvard Stadium and set out elaborate tailgate feasts. The aroma of roasted chicken, barbeque ribs, and sausages wafted through the air. Alumni from the classes of decades past greeted each other warmly with big hugs. Flags and footballs Bill Markus ’60 strolled proudly through the tailgating party, waving the pride of Harvard’s “most loyal fan” — the Little Red Flag of 1884. The tradition was started by Fredrick Plummer, Class of 1888, who brought it to 59 consecutive Harvard-Yale games. As the official flag bearer, Markus travels from his home in Pittsburgh to attend every game. Bob Shaunessy ’59 (from left) was the captain of the 1958 team. He is famous for...