VP for strategy, programs named
Leah Rosovsky, executive administrative dean at Tufts University School of Arts and Sciences, will become Harvard University’s vice president for strategy and programs, President Drew Faust announced today. Rosovsky ’78, M.B.A. ’84, will assume her position in January. As vice president for strategy and programs, Rosovsky will focus on advancing the president’s agenda, including overseeing related programs and execution efforts. Rosovsky will forge deep relationships with colleagues across the University to increase coordination and collaboration as Harvard moves forward in a time of challenge and change in higher education. Areas of focus will include the University’s international agenda, the president’s One Harvard initiative, and the president’s ongoing commitment to attract the most talented faculty, students, and staff to Harvard. Rosovsky will also assist with candidate searches for senior-level positions at Harvard. “In returning to Harvard, Leah Rosovsky brings deep strategic expertise and an extraordinary breadth of accomplishment in higher education to this...