The joy of learning
Many students use the break between academic terms to spend time with families and friends or to travel. Some simply relax, rejuvenate, and re-energize before the start of the spring term. But an increasing number of students choose to return early to campus for Wintersession, a 10-day period at the College during which they can experience unusual opportunities before they return to classes, studying, and other responsibilities. This year, College-led and student-initiated programming provided opportunities to explore creative passions, pursue career interests, learn about different academic fields, engage in recreational activities with friends, and connect with alumni. In the third year of the program, Wintersession 2013 featured more than 150 seminars, activities, classes, and other events. Students could earn scuba diving, earn fitness certification, explore neuroscience, learn about personal finance, taste ethnic foods, paint pottery, or challenge friends to games of dodgeball, in addition to many other options. “Wintersession is the time during...