‘A lifetime of limitless possibility’
For alumni who remain connected to the University community even after their days on campus have faded into memory, the promise of Harvard lasts a lifetime. That’s the message Carl F. Muller ’73, J.D. ’76, M.B.A. ’76, leaves behind as he prepares to step down as president of the Harvard Alumni Association (HAA). During his year at the HAA helm, Muller called upon alumni to view Harvard as a powerful thread that connects their past, present, and future lives. “My hope is for alumni and students alike to understand that Harvard is not just an academic institution,” says Muller, an attorney in Greenville, S.C. “For those who choose to stay connected, it is a lifetime of limitless possibility. Everything I did during my time as HAA president was directed toward that objective.” That includes circling the globe. During the year, Muller and his wife, Allison, traveled for Harvard to San José, Costa...