Huffington’s awakening
Reformed workaholic Arianna Huffington on Wednesday urged a Harvard audience to unplug, get some sleep, and give to others, all as a way to get more out of life. Huffington, the president and editor in chief of the Huffington Post Media Group, said it took her own 2007 collapse — and breaking her cheek on the edge of her desk as she fell — to interrupt her always-on lifestyle. It was during her recovery that she began to think about how she ran her life and the broader topic of how society defines success. “I know by the conventional definition I was successful, but by any sane definition of success, if you’re lying in a pool of blood, you’re not,” Huffington said. “We discovered there was nothing wrong with me medically, but just about everything wrong with the way I was living my life.” In her subsequent exploration, Huffington found research — some...