University history uncovered in Harvard Square restaurant
It normally takes one or two days for a demolition team to gut out an old store to prepare it for a new owner, but something stopped one rugged crew in its tracks in Harvard Square earlier this year: tiled walls sporting a Harvard-related motif that dated back a century. When the team called the new tenant, Ayr Muir, the founder and CEO of the Clover Food Lab, to check out the tiles and see what he wanted to do next, the ready-to-ravage crew was surprised when he said, “We’re going to save them.” Today the popular vegetarian restaurant at 1326 Massachusetts Ave. offers its customers a rare peek at what a popular downtown Cambridge eatery looked like in 1913. The thoughtful rehab, which features a white tiled floor and walls with decorative crimson H’s and glass-painted school pennants adorning the inside perimeter, also demonstrates how a Harvard grad took on the...