At Harvard, preparing for an HR challenge
Harvard announced Tuesday that it would switch to teaching classes online effective March 23, with the goal of limiting the spread of coronavirus in the University community. But the spreading disease will change more lives than those of the students departing their residences and classrooms in the coming days. It will affect thousands of faculty and staff members across Harvard. Those employees are now hard at work making the switch to distance learning, keeping the University’s labs and health care facilities safe, and ensuring that important services and programs remain available. To learn more about what the coming changes are likely to mean for Harvard’s employees moving forward, The Gazette talked with Vice President for Human Resources Marilyn Hausammann. Q&A Marilyn Hausammann GAZETTE: What can you tell us about the impact of recent events on the large community of people who keep Harvard up and running every day? MARILYN HAUSAMMANN: First, I’d like to reiterate...