Penslar weighs the impact of Herzl’s personal power
Derek Penslar, William Lee Frost Professor of Jewish History at Harvard University, has long studied modern Jewish history from a global perspective. In his new biography of Theodor Herzl, Penslar examined how the founder of modern Zionism’s personal life influenced his political impact. He discussed “Theodor Herzl: The Charismatic Leader” with the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies. Q&A Derek Penslar Center for European Studies: Your new biography, “Theodor Herzl: The Charismatic Leader,” focuses on how Herzl’s personal crises as much as broader anti-Semitism propelled him into a leadership role. Do you believe this is particular to Herzl and Zionism, or do you see this as a larger pattern, particularly for charismatic leaders? Penslar: I think this is true for great political leaders across the board, in particular leaders of nationalist movements or anti-colonial movements. One of the main arguments in the book is that charisma is diologic. What made Herzl a great leader...