Top tweets of 2014
At MIT, 2014 was rich in innovation, discovery — and fun. Accordingly, the Institute’s Twitter followers — currently numbering more than 172,000 — responded enthusiastically to updates from MIT and from its many alumni and affiliates. Stories about campus life — from Commencement to President L. Rafael Reif’s #IceBucketChallenge to the student-built roller coaster that greeted incoming freshmen in August — added extra flavor to the year’s 140-character musings. Among the 20 most popular individual tweets from @MIT this year were updates on the robotic cheetah developed by MIT researchers; a next-generation spacesuit from MIT aerospace engineers; and Tetris-shaped tater tots in the Stratton Student Center (Building W20). Here are our top tweets of 2014, measured in retweets and likes, in chronological order: We love π HAPPY PI DAY 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375... — MIT (@MIT) March 14, 2014 Happy birthday, MIT! Happy birthday, MIT! The Institute was founded April 10, 1861 by William Barton Rogers. #tbt