3 Questions: Areg Danagoulian on a new arms control tool and the future of nuclear security
Areg Danagoulian, associate professor in the MIT Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, has built a career around nuclear detection technology. His work has focused, among other things, on a system that could greatly improve the current process for verifying compliance of nuclear warheads. Earlier this year, he published new work on physical cryptographic nuclear warhead verification and on active detection of shielded nuclear materials in journals including Nature Communications and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. He has also received a pair of prestigious accolades: a radiation science and technology award from the American Nuclear Society and the honor of being named, along with his team, as the 2019 Arms Control Association (ACA) Arms Control Persons of the Year. “This innovation paves the way for more effective arms control agreements, inspections, and enforcement," said Daryl Kimball, executive director of the ACA. "Professor Danagoulian’s MIT team has brought the...