MSNBC: Science

Wednesday th 22nd of July 2009

New Zealand moves west after massive quake - 15:42

HIV’s ‘missing link’ found in ailing chimps - 15:21

Mystery blob leaves scientists puzzled - 13:28

Last giant tortoise of its kind may be dad - 12:42

Presented By: - 09:21

Slide show: Total eclipse sweeps over Asia - 09:21

Tuesday th 21st of July 2009

Cosmic Log: New snag for big bang machine - 23:14

U.S. zoo brings in koala from France for mating - 16:28

U.S. tsunami threat higher than thought - 14:28

Human suspect in Neanderthal murder mystery - 14:07

Radar could save bats from wind turbines - 12:56

Monday th 20th of July 2009

Did cosmic blast kill the first Americans? - 21:07

Fetuses may have memories, study suggests - 20:42

Science, religion is theme in Galileo book - 17:42

Serengeti wildlife know where water is cleaner - 14:42

Zoo keeper wears abandoned baby kangaroo - 09:42

Friday th 17th of July 2009

Video: Rare whale spotted off N.J. coast - 20:07

Video: Baby boom at L.A. Zoo - 20:07

White House creates climate job - 19:42

Video: Paddling a 'poo' canoe for charity - 13:21

Oetzi iceman's tattoos came from fireplace - 12:14

Thursday th 16th of July 2009

For fish, it’s the more the merrier - 20:28

Video: Bug bites killed-off dinosaurs? - 19:21

Jockeys figure out the science of speed - 19:21

Jumbo squid spook divers off San Diego - 18:14

Presented By: - 17:49

Tiger moths can thwart bats by jamming sonar - 17:49

Through sand, desert lizard swims like a snake - 17:07

Neanderthals were likely poised for extinction - 15:56

King Tut explorer’s photos, treasures revealed - 14:49

Dog wet nurse saves panda cubs in China - 09:35

Wednesday th 15th of July 2009

Giant-clawed dinosaur unearthed in Utah - 21:14

Once-captive Chinese alligators breed in wild - 20:28

Cannonballs really could sink ships, study finds - 19:42

Tuesday th 14th of July 2009

Ancient fortress city unearthed in Egypt - 19:42

China stops shock therapy for Internet addicts - 19:21

9 new components found in scorpion venom - 19:21

Toxins may have doomed ancient forests - 19:21

Cosmic Log: How politeness evolved - 18:56

Newsweek opinion: We need more religious scientists - 17:49

Monday th 13th of July 2009

Dogs understand gestures as well as toddlers - 20:21

Lightning may have sparked start of life - 19:35

Searchers shovel NW dirt seeking giant worm - 19:14

Great Lakes scientists battle invaders - 16:14

Orangutan escapes in Australian zoo - 13:35

Why is human brain so big? Maybe competition - 13:14

Presented By: - 12:07

Happy or hungry? Cat purrs send mixed signals - 12:07

Video: Mass mummy grave found in Peru - 10:35

Friday th 10th of July 2009

2,000-year-old cream shows aristocrat’s taste - 18:42