Newswise - Scinews

Friday th 27th of May 2011

Chameleon Magnets Could Revolutionize Computing - 15:31

Digital Ants Protect Computer Networks - 15:31

Brain Circuitry Changes Growing Up Influence Moral Development - 14:31

Engineers Look to the Birds for the Future of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles - 14:31

Scripps Postdoc Named as National Geographic Emerging Explorer - 13:30

Human Impacts of Rising Oceans Will Extend Well Beyond Coasts - 13:30

S-DLE Center to Boost Durability, Lifetime of Solar Power Plants - 09:01

Thursday th 26th of May 2011

'Sleep on It' is Sound, Science-Based Advice - 18:00

New Research Points to the Significant Role of Oceans in the Onset of Ancient Global Cooling - 15:01

Cancer Cells Accelerate Aging and Inflammation in the Body to Drive Tumor Growth - 15:01

Rendezvous with an Asteroid - 15:00

Two Gene Classes Linked to New Prion Formation - 11:31

NDSU Graduate Researcher Awarded NSF Fellowship - 10:30

'Policing' Stops Cheaters from Dominating Groups of Cooperative Bacteria - 09:30

Wednesday th 25th of May 2011

Nature Perspective Offers 2020 Vision of Vaccines for Malaria, TB & HIV/AIDS - 15:31

In an Alligator-Eat-Alligator World, Cannibalism Can Mean Population Control - 14:31

Mars Formed Rapidly Into Runt of Planetary Litter - 13:31

Hubble Finds Blue Straggler Stars in Milky Way's Hub - 13:31

Levi Elected Editor-in-Chief of ARVO Journal of Vision - 12:31

Beebe Elected Next Editor-in-Chief of IOVS Journal - 12:31

Researchers Receives NIH Grant for the Move Toward Clinical Trials Targeting the Lysosomal Storage Disease MPSIIIB - 12:31

International Team Provides Global Analysis of Seagrass Extinction Risk - 11:31

ORNL Marks Completion of Solar-Assisted EV Charging Stations - 11:31

Brain & Behavior Research Foundation Scientists Part of 'One Mind for Research Forum' - 09:31

Tufts Students Receive $10,000 Prizes From Dow Sustainability Innovation Challenge - 09:00

West Coast Radar Network is World's Largest - 09:00

Tuesday th 24th of May 2011

Structural Biologist Brenda Schulman, Ph.D., Honored by International Scientific Group for Work in Protein Science - 15:00

Patient Safety: Reducing the Risks of Radiation Exposure From CT Scans and X-Rays - 14:00

Bat Researchers Discover New Species on St. Vincent Island - 13:00

Study Finds Common Fire Retardant Harmful to Aquatic Life - 12:00

Government of Ghana Invests in AIMS - 12:00

Special Report: The Social Web - 12:00

The Ties That Bind: Making High-speed Rail Tracks Safer Focus of Research - 12:00

Two Greenland Glaciers Lose Enough Ice to Fill Lake Erie - 11:01

Nearby Supernova Factory Ramps Up - 10:00

In Living Collar: Elk Don Neckwear to Steer Clear of Danger - 08:30

Salk Gift Dedicates Two Endowed Chairs, in Honor of Nobel Prize Winners and Past Presidents, Renato Dulbecco and Roger Guillemin - 08:30

Monday th 23rd of May 2011

Scientists Pick Top 10 New Species - 16:30

SUNY-ESF Produces 'Next Generation of Biofuels' - 15:31

Soggy Spring Ups the Odds of More Late Blight Crop Destruction - 15:31

Scripps Geochemist Wins Francis Shepard Medal - 14:30

The Star That Changed the Universe - 13:31

Research Tackles Effects of Dredging on Fish and River Habitats - 13:00

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Illuminates the Future of Lighting - 12:00

What Doesn't Kill the Brain Makes It Stronger - 10:01

LHC Experiments Present New Results at Quark Matter 2011 Conference - 08:40

Salk Professor, Joanne Chory, Elected to Royal Society - 08:40

Human Microbiome Project Data Available to Research Community - 08:10

New Studies Reveal Stunning Evidence that Cell Phone Radiation Damages DNA, Brain and Sperm - 06:00

Sulfates in Extreme Places, DNA tied in Knots, and Magnetic Cooling at Crystallography Meeting - 06:00